Steam Places

artist: bordon


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  • Urbs
  • Ombrelle
  • Steampunk Air War
  • The King of The City
  • Steam Powered Revolver
  • Steampunk Valentine
  • A Portrait
  • Steampunk Chair
  • Steampunk Airship Pilot
  • A Steampunk Warrior

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    This blog is focused on searching, finding and publishing steampunk themed artworks. Our goal is to create a collection of steam powered art.

    What is Steampunk?
    The main idea behind the Steampunk is: "What if steam power which was discovered during the industrial revolution, would become the backbone of all technologic progresses including todays technologies.
    For instance, in a steampunked universe a computer wont work with its batteries, but with a huge steam boiler.

    The spirit of steampunk is long long chimneys, dark clouds, hazy silhuets, coal, gears, ticks, tocks, long hats, boilers, wood and iron...
    The spirit of steampunk is also real ladies and gentlemen, brave pilots and their flying ships, huge servant robots... Zeplin trips to Mars, Railroads reaching Moon...

    The simplicity of technology and the availability (the "I can do it too" thing) of mechas, the retro side of concept and the our need to say stop! (or slow down at least!) to time makes the steampunk that special... Thats why we feel too close ourselves to this "epoque"


    Steam Links:
    Æther Emporium
    Brass Goggles
    Crabfu Steamworks
    Robots of Victorian Era
    Steampunk Magazine
    Steampunk Workshop
    Weta Rayguns

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